Bon Iver manager Kyle Frenette withdraws from Wisconsin congressional race

Bad news for Democrats and indieheads living in Wisconsin: Four months after he first announced his intention to run for office, Bon Iver manager Kyle Frenette has now withdrawn his candidacy for the state’s 7th Congressional District.

“I didn’t get into this race because I wanted to be a politician but because I wanted to be a representative,” he writes in a statement. “I wanted to represent the people in the 7th district; to give back to this amazing place that’s given me so much. Unfortunately, it is not my time…”

Frenette cites “unforeseen circumstances,” though he contends that he will continue fighting for “health care for all, environmental protections, strong economic growth, high quality education and ensuring our society values lives over guns,” stressing that “I’ll be around.”

Well, the Democrats will have to get creative if they plan on unseating Republican incumbent and former Real World housemate Sean Duffy. Perhaps Garbage manager Shannon O’Shea will step up to the task? Or maybe The Promise Ring’s Jeff Castelaz?

Nonetheless, here’s the full statement:

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