Something for the weekend: Paris with Jonas

Jonas Kaufmann’s new album of French arias, entitled simply L’Opra, is out next week. Being JDCMB readers, dear friends, you are probably going to like it, so here is Sony’s beautifully made trailer, narrated by the man himself.

He strikes a fine balance between known and unfamiliar repertoire, with the presentation on the video informal but informative, classy but unpretentious. He’s accompanied by the magnificent Orchestra of the Bavarian State Opera from his home town of Munich, conducted by Bertrand de Billy. Ludovic Tzier joins him for the Pearl Fishers duet and Sonya Yoncheva for scenes from Massenet’s Manon that even blissed out my cat, Ricki, not thus far noted for his appreciation of anything other than supremely refined playing of Mozart piano sonatas.

The album also includes dark-hued accounts of Massenet’s ‘Pourquoi me rveiller’ from Werther and the Flower Song from Bizet’s Carmen, but culminates in the glory of Berlioz’s Les Troyens, performed with multifarious colour and vast, mature, refined authority. We hope you love it as much as we did.

Release date is 15 September and there’s more info here.

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